Monday, November 27, 2006

Oh, The Places You Will Go

Sweet Sophie,

If you aren't where I left you, you are probably under either the coffee table or the dining room table.

You love watching the morning kid shows with Bailey and you clap your hands and dance when your favorite songs start.

Soon, you will be ten months old. Ten months already? Where has all the baby time gone? Soon, you will be walking and talking and then running and singing. Soon, we will celebrate your first Christmas, your first haircut, your first birthday. I look forward to watching you grow and change but I also want to hold on to that sweet baby smell like there is no tomorrow.

Be patient with me if I hold you a little too long or if I call you the baby one too many times. That's just a heart full of love talking.

For now and forever, you have a special place in my heart, right next to the one for your big brother.


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